Stranger Things - Tribute ( Libro en Inglés )
Autor: Eva Minguet Editorial: Monsa Publications Páginas: 112 Edición: 2019 Formato: Cartoné ISBN: 9788417557171 Tamaño: 17.50 x 23.50 cm Welcome To Hawkins....
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Autor: Eva Minguet Editorial: Monsa Publications Páginas: 112 Edición: 2019 Formato: Cartoné ISBN: 9788417557171 Tamaño: 17.50 x 23.50 cm Welcome To Hawkins. Un libro para fans que ahonda en los elementos que inspiraron la serie de Stranger Things que resulta en un gran tributo a los ´80 además de una fantasía oscura genial. Sinópsis: Stranger Things is characterised by having the heart and essence of the mythical series and films of the 80’s, from The Goonies, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, The Neverending Story, and so many more, which were authentic icons for that generation. The series has the same breath of fresh air as the past that it wants to reflect, since the first episode it has managed to captivate our hearts. From its aesthetics, music on tape cassettes, arcades, the first malls... For deciding the title and font of the series, the Duffer brothers were inspired by a Stephen King novel, Needful Things. Once's role is similar to the character played by Drew Barrymore in the movie Firestarter, also King's novel.

Precio $16.699,00
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